Holistic intervention of sexual education and prevention, in state structures of child protection is implemented by Civil act, in collaboration with the organizations SciCo και Cyberno. The official title of the program is “Inclusive training of staff and children / young people at child protection structures in the context of sexual education”, which is a program of the Social Welfare Center of the Attica Region (K.K.P.P.A.) – Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Sexual Education

“Civil Act” created “ngoHeroes”, the 1st electronic platform providing specialized employment services. The platform aims to enhance professionalism in the NGO ecosystem in Greece.
More specifically, “ngoHeroes” intends to facilitate the process of finding work, exclusively for the NGO ecosystem in Greece, by strengthening two main target groups: NGOs and qualified professionals looking for work in the 3rd sector.
NgoHeroes seeks to bridge the gap between stakeholders who want to work in a nonprofit organization and organizations seeking to find the right person to fill a position.
“ngoHeroes” goals:
• Improvement and empowerment of existing NGOs with specialized – suitable human resources.
• Enhancement of the prestige and credibility of the 3rd sector in Greece
• Improvement of the absorption and utilization of suitable professionals
• Strengthening the social web
• Increasing the social impact and sustainability of the programs implemented by the NGOs
• Enhancing the extroversion and innovation of NGOs
• Filling the gaps of state care
• Increase of investments in the 3rd sector

Civil Act since 2019, implements psychological support programs in collaboration with Hellenic Liver Patients Association “Prometheus”, via holistic interventions implemented by “Prometheus” in Greek prisons. At the same time, since 2021, psychological support and basic necessities (such as food, water, clothes, etc.) are provided, to vulnerable and socially marginalized groups, such as people who use psychoactive substances, homeless people, Roma, migrants and people in need with poor living conditions in general. Our base is the new structure by “Prometheus” titled “community hub”, on Favierou Street in the center of Athens.

Civil Act’s, experienced personnel recently implemented holistic psychological support programs in the structures of the organization “Ark of the World”, for children, young people, and professionals who constitute the organization.
Specifically, the programs that were implemented included:
• group psychotherapy program for young people (50 males and 30 females, 2 closed and 1 open) of the “Ark of the World” in Athens.
• one-year program for the reintegration of young people with delinquent behavior – Notably this program was innovative for the field of child protection, as it was implemented for the first time in such structures in Greece, operated in a separate area and involved 20 young people aged 14-18, who while lived in the “Ark of the World”, had delinquent behaviors and a tendency to return to unhealthy environments – communities from which they were initially removed through the prosecutor’s office.
• Supervision and counseling to the staff of the “Ark of the World”, such as social workers, teachers and carers (25 beneficiaries).

Empathy as a tool for Vaccination
The “Civil Act“, the “Empathize with me doctor” and the “Association of Athens’ Pediatricians” implemented one-day workshop in order to change the attitude and mindset towards anti-vaccination perceptions through the empathic approach. The main pillars of the workshop are the experiential way of learning, the interactivity and the training of health professionals in the empathy skills when faced with cases of refusal of vaccination.